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Polos Mallum Authentic

Pollos Mallum is know as green young baby jackfruit. It’s one of those nostalgic dishes that give you a village vibe. Makes you want to go back to the village and have polos served with red rice, ambulthiyal, parippu, on a bed of banana leaf.

Serves 4- 8 people

Main ingredients

  1. 1 Green young jackfruit (alternative a can or jar of green jackfruit. I used Larich brand polos Mallum jar 500g which is available in U.K.) If you use the fresh jackfruit then you need to clean this accordingly and shred them into small pieces. I have skipped this part as it's hard to find and very time consuming.

  2. ½-1 tsp. Turmeric powder

  3. ¼-½ cup of water

  4. Salt to taste

1 set of Ingredients for the paste

  • 2 tsp. Mustard seeds

  • 1 tsp. black pepper powder

  • 1 clove garlic

  • 1 tbsp. curry powder

  • ½ cup shredded coconut or frozen (if you like more coconut feel free to add)

2nd set of Ingredients for tempering

  • 1 tsp. mustard seeds

  • Sliced onion

  • Curry leaves

  • ½ piece of Rampe (pandana leaves, rampe)

  • 2 or 3 dried whole red chillies (optional)

  • 1-2 tbsp. of oil (coconut/sunflower/ghee anything you fancy)

For non-veg option

  • 1 handful of Kunisso- Dried baby shrimp (optional)

  • 1 handful of Umbalakada- Maldive fish chips (optional)


If you buy fresh, peel the outer skin of the Green jackfruit and chop/shred it into very small pieces. Wash and drain. Now using a clay pot or any medium non-stick pot add salt and turmeric powder and a little bit of water close with a lid and cook until jack fruit is boiled and all the water has been absorbed. (about 10-15min for fresh Jack fruit)

If you use the Jar like I did then, you can skip the cleaning bit as its already cleaned and prepared for you. Just drain the liquid, add water, turmeric and salt and cook it for 5-10min until cooked and all the water has been absorbed.

Grind or crush all the (1st set of Ingredients) together with shredded coconut and add to the boiled green jack fruit mix and mix well. Cook this further (3-5min) then take it out of the stove.

Take a separate skillet with a little cooking oil and temper the (2nd set of ingredients) add it to the cooked dish and mix well. That’s your Polos Mallum done. Super easy.

Goes well with plain rice, chilli fish (miris malu) and dhal curry (parippu).

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