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Lemon Thyme Chicken

Lemon thyme chicken

Ready in 30 min

I must say, in Sri-lankan cookery, we don’t properly measure everything when we prepare a dish. Whatever you mix into a dish it will come out delicious,I promise. You must remember not to put off cooking, if you fail the first time, always try again by rectifying your mistakes. Experimenting with new flavors are the key to true success! 

How do you think all chefs around the world come up with new dishes and menus?

In my experience, there’s some dishes you must be precise and measure everything when making and there are many you don’t! I learn this the hard way from my mother. She was very strict when I went to her kitchen. You cannot ask her questions when she cooks.  She says “watch and learn” I’m sure many of you heard that one before 😂😂😂

You must and only watch her and do what she wants you to do. If any mistakes are made, gosh you will have it from her. 

This recipe is one of my recent discoveries by experimenting.

Usually I throw in whatever I find inside the fridge. With a huge success according to my family’s taste buds, I thought I’ll share it with you.


  • 8-10 pieces of chicken thigh pieces cut into small pieces and deep fried, no seasoning required at this stage.

  • 4-5 strands of lemon thyme (secret ingredient must put this to get the require taste)

  • ½ cup of Coconut milk

  • 1-2 teaspoons Green pesto

  • 1 teaspoon of Tomato purée 

  • 1 teaspoon of Chilli powder

  • 1 teaspoon Black Pepper 

  • 1-2 tablespoons White wine vinegar 

  • 1-2 tablespoons Oyster sauce 

  • 1-2 tablespoons Light soy sauce 

  • Salt to taste 


Prepare and deep fry the chicken and leave it to drain the excess oil.

Into the ½ cup coconut milk add all the ingredients (pesto, chilli powder, tomato purée,black pepper, white wine vinegar, oyster sauce, light soy sauce) mix well.

Put a nonstick pan on high heat. Add the fried chicken then add the prepared mix of coconut milk into the chicken and mix well. In less than a minute you can see the mix will become like a thick sauce. At this stage if you like a little more gravy you can add more coconut milk or water. Taste and add salt if needed.Take it off the heat and serve hot.

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